“Not everyone is prominent, but everyone is significant”
As much as life is unpredictable, it is equally an adventure – if u choose to look at it that way. This means every moment of every day is cherished, lived to the full. Yet it is not just about living for ourselves, but to also make a difference in other people’s lives. With end of July being the conclusion of a significant month of celebrating Mandela day and encouraging society to do more for the less fortunate in his honour, it is humbling that only one man can have such a huge impact on a lot of people. When we look at this closely, what really does it take for someone to have such an influence? This is not just any influence, but a positive influence for people to make a difference in other people’s lives.
Is it something that each of us can achieve through our own lives? What really sets him apart from the rest of us, that we honour him so much and dedicate our philanthropic actions to him? He lives just like each of us. He has blood flowing through his veins, goes through human challenges like each of us, yet he has managed to rally such an enormous following of people who are ready to make a difference in society to honour of his name. The truth is that, even though we appreciate such inspiration and should treasure it, every minute of every day is an opportunity for us be the difference. On my trip back from Australia recently I was sitting next to a pastor who said this: “each individual is a full time minister”. I thought this is profound and I am challenged as I believe I have not done enough to contribute to changing lives. In every area of our lives, I believe we each have every opportunity to minister through our life, our actions wherever we are – whether it’s at work, at home, amongst friends, business associates, the till lady at the grocery store, car guard etc. In every moment we have a choice to be significant without necessarily being prominent.
Now Mandela may be prominent in that he is known all over the world, but what strikes me the most about his life is that he has also been significant. Significance doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to be famous/prominent, but it is about making a positive contribution to changing the lives of the people around us for the better. It is linked to our talents and strengths that can be used to benefit other people and up lift other people. It is linked to our purpose. If prominence comes with it, then it should be by default rather than be the goal for helping people. I am challenged to step up my game in being a useful member of my community, making a significant contribution. As Mark Conner once said, “not everyone is prominent, but everyone is significant.” Which will you choose today?